Bringing the Spirit of 1773 Back to Boston

Planning Central for the Boston Tea Party Protests

Tea Party 05/03/2009


Check out our “After Party” for Photos!

Time: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm, 15 April 2009.

Place: We’ve moved to the Boston Common, below the State House

Speakers: Todd Feinburg of WRKO will be the Master of Ceremonies for the Tea Party.  Our speaker line-up:

  • Jim Stergios – Pioneer Institute
  • Carla Howell – Libertarian
  • Bob Hedlund – Senator, R-MA
  • Michael Johns – Heritage Foundation
  • David Tuerck – Beacon Hill Institute
  • Chip Faulkner – Citizens for Limited Taxation
  • Brad Marston – Conservative Solutions
  • Barry Hinkley – Fair Tax
  • Kris Mineau – Massachusetts Family Institute
  • Paul Jehle – The Plymouth Rock Foundation
  • Dale Graessle – Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights

Plan: You and all of your libertarian/conservative/independent/liberal friends.  Bring yourself, some tea, a bit of pulled pork, some signs, a costume, and party like it’s 1773.  Bring the kids and picnic on Boston Common.

Links: See our sidebar for links to the Facebook page, Facebook event, the National Tax Day Tea Party Page, Twitter, and many more.

Updates: Order your Boston Tea Party t-shirt here.  Proceeds from the sale will go first to a young woman who has printed up (at her own expense) thousands of post cards for the party, and then towards defraying costs for the event.

Logistics: check out our logistics page! Meet up there for carpooling, parking info, maps, directions, etc.  (Yes, I’m updating this as soon as possible.)


257 Responses to “Tea Party”

  1. Wes Hoover Says:

    Keep me informed, as this is tentatively scheduled. I plan on attending.
    Wes Hoover

  2. I’ll keep this updated!

  3. Rosemary Says:

    Oh I am in……..taxachusetts needs this!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Rosemary Says:

    I understand the 15th but its a weekday…………do it on a weekend and you will get a better response.

  5. Rosemary – glad you’re in!

    Yes, I understand that we’ll get a better response on a weekend, but, as a lowly city-wide organiser of this escapade, I have the choice between breaking with the national movement of simultaneous protests, or hoping that people will come out during their lunch hours. We’ll be doing another round on the Fourth of July, so the busy capitalists can come out to play then.

  6. mr. burns Says:

    If I can walk i’ll be there

  7. Jay Says:

    I am in. Weekday or not- now is the time to come together. I have a child and wife in College, a big mortgage, and a business, and need to work like hell, but, some things are too important to ignore. If we really care about our country and preserving capitalism, we must fight for these things. The country is lurching towards Socialism, and taxation is one of their weapons. I have ancestor pioneers whom settled in Massachusetts in 1721, and others whom were patriots in the American revolution, and still others who were Union soldiers in the Civil war. They sacrificed more than time. This is the least we can do. I am ordering my Colonial style wig to wear for the occasion today.

  8. Paul Says:

    taxachusetts no more!!

  9. bigliberty Says:

    Sounds awesome. I’ve lived in this state my whole life, and I will leave it very soon unless there’s a drastic change in the general political mindset (not likely). I’m glad, at the very least, this event will give individuals such as ourselves a chance to show while socialism might be a state hobby, there are many “sleeper” libertarians/conservatives who are tired of carrying the increasingly heavy burdens of the gimme-gimme-gimme class.

    Count me in!

    • Lois Neilson Says:

      Thank you, Thank you! Until Glenn Beck’s show last night and
      the, I thought we were pretty much alone. It will warm your heart to read the comments coming from all over the United States of America.

  10. I Hate StalinMarx Says:

    Keep up the good work. I’m spreading the word.

  11. I Hate StalinMarx Says:

    Margaret Thatcher put it best.”The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money”

    Fight the good fight!!!!

  12. jd Says:

    I’ll be there…rain or shine!! We should give hell to the moron running this State also!!!

    • I’m sick and tired of “getting what I deserve” as a lifelong resident of this Commonwealth! WAKE UP MASSACHUSETTS! Throw the rascals out!!! Barney Frank, John Kerry, Deval “Cadilac” Patrick, as a minimum, ALL need jobs in the private sector – like yesterday!

  13. Firehawk Says:

    The natives are restless……..! Time to make some kinda statement. OOOOhhhhhRaaahhhhhhh… Semper Fi!

  14. Carol Burrows Says:

    Will be there!! It is time to stop the madness before it is too late.

  15. L Hemy Says:

    I hope to be there. I would prefer to go to one in NH near where I live, but will try to come to MA if there is nothing in NH.

    • gopmom Says:

      Tea Party in Newburyport on March 28th, for those who are North.

      As for Boston, I’ll be there with 50 friends. My sign is ready to go –

      Tax Political Rhetoric not Charitable Contributions

    • Barbara Says:

      There will be a tea party in Lowell on April 15, 2009, between 4:30 and 8:30 p.m. downtown at City Hall Plaza. We are hoping to have 1000+ people. Come! Let’s raise a ruckus!

  16. Kraig Says:

    Coming from Wisconsin for Spring Break w/my wife and kids. We wanted to tour Boston to learn some history…now we’ll be part of it !! Looking forward to more details.

  17. Firehawk Says:

    Carol Burrows, my name was Burrows until it was changed in 1968. Maybe we can talk?

  18. Woo-hoo! It’s awesome to see this kind of energy from y’all. 🙂 We’re planning, fighting the city, and working on getting this together. 🙂

    LOVE the Margaret Thatcher quote. We’ll definitely have to work that one in there.

  19. Scott in MA Says:

    See you all there!

  20. mvfriar Says:

    Massachusetts may be a lost cause, but there’s always room for hope that fiscal sanity will return. Maybe this can send a message, but the citizens have to also stop sending the same people back to the legislature. I’ll be there.

  21. Lee in MA Says:

    Don’t forget our constitutional rights in this as well!!

    Our second amendment rights are being trampled! Just remember…..”when seconds count….the police are only minutes away!”

    “….the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”

    We loose this……and we loose our country! Please pass the word and bring your friends.

  22. Katy G Says:

    There will be a better response from media and more news/air time on a weekday.
    I’m taking one for the team and taking a vacation day, as is my husband. Up in the air over taking ten-year old with us.

  23. firehawk Says:

    There will also be a party in Worcester, 4 p.m. to 6p.m. It looks like I will do Boston and run back to Worcester to do there.

    • PENNSY671E Says:


    • Jim Says:

      I heard about this from WRKO 680-AM. I Googled “Tea Party protest” and found which revealed the name of Corie Whalen
      ( Try that for now. Somebody else got ideas?

  24. Dave J. Says:

    We just had a HUGE tea party in Cincinnati yesterday, about 5,000 people. Our family will be in Boston on April 15, so we can’t wait to party some more with some true patriots in the cradle of American liberty.

    • gopmom Says:

      Dave, Shoot me an email at I’m a former Ohio girl and I’d love to meet up with your family. I’m coming with 10-12 families – kids included! – so we can be the family section.

  25. Cindy Says:

    As hard as it may be to make it during those times, it needs to become a priority! The “912Project” is a great contribution to how many do feel, especially in this area. I believe we will all be pleasantly surprised at how many will come that are not commenting here or signing up formally at any sites. I’m finding that only National news is picking up on this at the bigger “tea party” level and a lot of folks are not aware of the event locally. It would be great if there was a full page ad taken out in the Globe/Herald. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! 🙂

    • gopmom Says:

      Cindy, We are encouraging people to write a letter to the editor mentioning the event. We’ll be leafletting the T/Commuter Rail, senior centers, coffee shops, libraries and town halls.

      A note to all – feel free to copy flier at and post at will.

      Call talk radio, too. WRKO and WTKK are following the plans.

      We are working as hard as we can to get the word out – without resorting to donations.


  26. Deb Says:

    I’ll be there. We all need to stand up for what we believe in. My family came from England on the boat just after the Mayflower. Most of us are still in Massachusetts but it is almost time to move on.

  27. vin rinaldi Says:

    Enough! Time to stand up and be counted.

  28. Shaunna O'Connell Says:

    Let the Revolution begin!

  29. You can count me in. I’m plenty pissed and tired of standing back and taking the tea our tax and spend liberal state is pouring. Tired of the answer to every problem being “just raise taxes”. Tired of waiting for our suspended 5% rollback to be completed. Tired of paying blood money to pork projects and waste. I’m tired of the socialist state of massachusetts telling me what I can and can’t do.

    I’ve always been a working man. Earned every penny and paid in full for what little I have in life. 30 years of busting my butt for a living. I’m old and tired. I’ve had enough. No health insurance. No more fluffed bank account. A bad heart and a sore back.

    I refuse to be blackmaled by the tax collector for taxes I don’t owe. So my drivers license can not be renewed. I drive my car anyway. I’ve spent every last penny on medication and doctor bills. They won’t give me health insurance because of my medical condition. The state wants to surcharge my taxes. I REFUSE to pay it. For the first time in 30 years I am a tax resister. I will not file my 2009 state taxes. I refuse to be part of the socialists party. I will walk to work if I have to. I refuse to pay for more pork with a new gas tax. But I will drive my towncar to Boston and dump tea all day.

    All the representatives and all the senators beg to if you seek amy. Well if you seek ayou.

  30. firehawk Says:

    If you are referring to Worcester…get a hold of Ken:

  31. Ana Paulina Says:

    Most likely will attend. This is something to explore.

  32. Rob Sama Says:

    A tea party in Boston? You’ve got to be kidding me…

  33. Carolyn Thompson Says:

    I need more info. Why are we protesting in City Hall Plaza and not in front of the State House? Do we bring tea?

    • gopmom Says:

      We will be at The State House after all.

      Kick-off is 10 AM, running through to 7 PM. Speaker schedule is still being determined as we are working with personalities from different radio stations.

      Don’t bring any tea you won’t drink – we don’t want to create a clean-up nightmare a la The National Mall at the inauguration. My daughter wants to bring her play tea set, though. Bring a sign – make something that truly expresses how you feel, that does not include profanity. Wear red, white and blue.

      You can always email me at

  34. Tom G Says:

    We will attend. What time does it officially kick off?

    I’m sick and tired of the patients running the asylum and spending away my grandchildrens futures.
    The politicians can’t solve the problem…they are the problem.

    I’m ready for a Tea party.

  35. . Says:

    How many people are we expecting in Boston?

  36. mercier1776 Says:

    If people are going to do this, please do not dress up in costumes or make it a “day of fun”. Leave the props and frivolity at home.

    What is going on in our country is serious. The government (both federal and state) has made it a standard operating procedure to disregard the constitution and individual rights. It is not time to send a message of silly antics. It is time to send a serious message that the people who give the government its power are no longer willing to accept how that power is being abused.

    The primary charge of the government is to protect the rights of the people as granted under the constitution. This is what every officer of the government swears to uphold when they are appointed to office. Any officer that breaches this oath deserves impeachment. At the very least, the voters should overwhelmingly reject such a person when they are up for re-election. It is the citizens’ duty to ensure that officials who breach their oath are removed from office as soon as the opportunity arises.

    A public protest is nice but throwing usurpers out of office during the next election cycle is more effective.

    • IMHO, people can do whatever they want. Costumes and props will make it more kid-friendly (GOPMom and others are planning on bringing the kids!), and, of course, make it something that the media and passer-by are more likely to pick up on and talk about.

      More importantly, I’m all about the big tent on this issue. If people want to dress up, let them have their fun. It will remind the government that our country was based on freedom, prosperity, opportunity, and reason, not emotions, socialism, and equality through poverty.

      Now, I totally agree with you about throwing them out of office during the next election cycle. In fact, on my “to-do” list is to get a complete list of people who are up for reelection in 2010 and to use the Tea Party to push them to uphold their duties, or we’ll use our resources (not just our votes!) to get them out of office.

    • dm Says:

      you’re assumption says that the dollar survives long enough for us to have the option to actually vote again. That’s mighty optimistic of you.

  37. GOPMom: thanks for all of your outstanding work! I’ve posted a link to your site over in “links” a while back, but I should probably highlight it a bit more.

  38. Mark Says:

    Grettings from Dixie! I’m excited and hoping this event will pull all of us together for the purpose of uniting all patriots to take America back! Just as North Carolina was the first colony to declare Independence we need to join Boston as we did in 1774 and spill some tea!

  39. JUSIPER Says:

    Stop sending our tax money to the banks

  40. ChrisG Says:

    I understand that people are upset about the Tea Party being held in the middle of the week but this is too important to miss. Again, this is a nationwide movement that will, with some luck and people, send a very clear message to the tyrants who have kidnapped our Constitution and are currently holding it for ransom. If missing a day of work is out of the question I would suggest you invite your boss or supervisor to the event as well.

    APRIL 15, 2009 – National ‘Send in a blank tax return day.’ They can’t put us all in jail.

    • dm Says:

      Anyone who thinks that missing a day of work or it being in the middle of the week instead of on a weekend is clearly not paying any attention to the mechanics of what is at stake here.

      Our freedom has been usurped by an elite class that has the 21st century makings of monarchy with 3 piece suits instead of funny costumes and makeup.

      Today they’re just from wall street and washington, promising us a scheme that can never ever deliver. From 401K’s, pensions, healthcare, autos, roofs and food for all.

      At least last year, we were willingly stupid sheeple putting our hard earned money into these ponzi schemes monthly in our mortgage payments and retirement contributions. Now we’re being forced by the government to continue to pay into the schme in spades.

      Worrying about what day of the week it is, or what color clothes to wear has nothing to do with this.

      Read your history folks. Stop watching American Idol and using facebook and spend that time reading economics and history. It won’t take you long to find the parallels to our situation. Over and over again.


  41. Pete Says:

    I’m in. Will bring friends.

  42. Al Says:

    Yes!!!! Happy to see I am not alone! I will see you there!!

  43. Troy Says:

    I’m in…Will bring as many people as possible

  44. Diane Says:

    I’m in also. Will bring my 9 yr. old nephew who is already smart enough to know that Obama shouldn’t have been voted in. Got a lot of razzing at school sticking up for his right to vote for McCain! This will be a great education and experience for him that he can also bring back to his classmates and teachers. Awesome movement — can’t wait!

  45. NEOBoston Says:

    I can’t wait. I work 2 streets away and will be laeving early that day

  46. Mary C Says:

    Can’t wait – Lets take our money & country back!!!!!!

    • dm Says:

      Too late, watch this to get a feel for how much money we as taxpayers need to produce in order to cover for this wall street/washington elite bailout. This was BEFORE Obama’s new Trillions tacked on.


  47. Judi Kidron Says:

    As one of the original cities that protested the tea tax it is an honor to protest taxation with representation. Boston was the birthplace of the Revolutionary War and our founding fathers would be proud. It’s time we take our country back from the idiots in Washington. Vote them out and pass term limits.

  48. Kay Says:

    I have never attended a protest, this is one that I WILL attend, this is so long overdue. I have had it !! We need to follow this event up with letters to the editors, talking to our neighbors, lawn signs, putting decent and good candidates up against these guys and “throw the bums out” from town elections right on up the ladder. When their cushy jobs and fancy life styles (on our backs) are at risk maybe they will listen.


  49. Mark Says:

    I’ve already heard rumors that more protest will occur on July 4th. Our family is making shirts for both if that tells you anything. The movement is growing!

  50. Jim P Says:

    We had all better wake up and foil the power hungry plans of this very far left president and his cronies in congress. Pelosi, Reid and Obama will destroy what our founding fathers built. I WILL BE THERE WITH MY KIDS!

  51. Becca Says:

    I see some people are planning to meet at the Tea Party (i.e. family groups, etc.). I was wondering if there are any young people that want to make the “20-30 something group”? I moved here from NY and my husband and I don’t really have a group of friends to drag along (and no kids yet) so it would be great to meet up with other young adults. Feel free to connect with me on Facebook (Rebecca Bellisario) but please put a TEA PARTY note so I know you’re not a stranger 😉

    Anyone have a great straight-to-the-point sign idea? I’m going to try and find Statue of Liberty and Uncle Sam hats 🙂 How exciting to be a part of this tea party where the original one took place!

  52. Jay Are Says:

    Hey Folks,

    I’ll be attending the event in Boston from 11 AM to 1 PM and in Worcester from 4 PM to 6PM. Hope to see all of you in Boston or Worcester. Wil be covering the events for Talk Show America and would like to interview some of you to be carried on the show and on the website. I will publicize this event on my website and show as well prior to April 15th.

    If there is anymore I can do let me know.


  53. Firehawk Says:

    For people around Worcester looking to go in custome, the Halloween Store on Westboylston St., where Fortins Market used to be has Indian customes, colonial customes, colonial soldiers customes available to rent or buy, sizes L and smaller. The store is located in Greendale.

  54. Nancy Elaine Says:

    The conservatives of Massachusetts have been slack in getting their voices heard. This is our opportunity to be heard LOUD and CLEAR! We should make life size images of our politicians and liberal judges and throw them into Boston Harbor! They show little to no regard for the citizens of Massachusetts. Enough is enough! It’s time to party!!!

  55. Brad Marston Says:

    Hey folks,

    This is about the 7th or 8th different site I have found relating to the Tax Day Tea Party.

    What is awesome is that there is so much excitement building around this event. What is unfortunate is that there isn’t one central online location for those who want to get involved in volunteering, attending or organizing to get involved and more importantly, communicate.

    We will have a site dedicated to this up later this evening or early tomorrow so we can get organized and really move this thing forward.

    A few examples:

    There are hundreds of media outlets to contact. Who will contact which ones and what is the message?

    As mentioned above…sign ideas?

    Can someone create a flier in PDF format that people can download and pass out?

    Can someone design some graphics for hats, T-Shirts etc?
    Do we want to sell them to defray the cost of this or give them away?

    As one of the organizers there is liability insurance question.

    Does someone have a portable PA system for potential speakers? If we have speakers how do we organize that?

    I will stop back later when I have the web address of the Ning site.

    • Hi Brad – we’ve got a few speakers lined up, a venue that does not require liability insurance, a bullhorn (although a portable PA system would be nice), a few people in the media who are going to start advertising next week, contacts who are just waiting for the go-ahead to advertise, a Facebook group that I made, this little website of mine, and an amazing group of organisers.

      I think that would qualify for “get organized and really move this thing forward.”

      If you want to print up T-shirts and either sell them (for which you would probably need a permit) or give them away, have at it. I, however, am a poor gal who is paying down debt from law school and doesn’t have the cash to front the cost of such a venture.

  56. Becca Says:

    Hi Everyone, I did some looking around on the internet for sign ideas and found some really good ones. Don’t wait until the last minute…make your signs!

    “Obama…Commmander and Theif”


    “Socialism: A great idea until you run out of other people’s money. (Margaret Thatcher)

    Honk if I pay your mortgage!

    Socialism is Incorrect Change


    I will keep my: freedom, guns, and money…YOU keep the “change”!

    America, take back your country!

    To compel a man to furnish funds for ideas he disbelieves in is sinful and tyrannical

    America: Land of the Free Spenders

    I owe $36,000.00…thank you Congress 😦

    You will pry my Constitutional Freedoms out of my cold dead hands

    If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying taxes



    Man is not free unless government is LIMITED! (R. Reagan)


    Repeal the pork or your bacon is cooked!

    I pay MY mortgage–YOU pay yours!

    Obama lies – America dies

    R.I.P. The American Dream 1776-2009

    We don’t want no stinkin’ socialism!

    It’s an Obamanation – NO MORE TAX!

    Honk for Capitalism!

    The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted…it belongs to the brave! (R. Regan)

    Don’t change America, RESTORE AMERICA!


    Those willing to forfeit liberty for security will have neither. (B. Franklin)

    Socialism: the gateway drug to Communism


    Honk if you pay YOUR mortgage!

    AIG bonuses: The government’s fault for NOT reading their spending bill!

    Hey Obama, your teleprompter says:

    Change and that’s all you will have left!

    Government: The problem, not the solution!


    Hey Congress, before you raise our taxes again…PAY YOUR OWN FIRST!

    We the people want life, liberty and fair tax!

    DUDE! Where’s my country??


    No to American Socialism

    Pork the Other (Red) Meat

    Liberty is All the Stimulus We Need

    United States of France

    Trickle Up Poverty

    Foreclose the White House

    Someone had a poster of George Washington standing with his arms out with the comment bubble “WTF?” I thought it was sadly hilarious!

    • Mark Says:

      We are making our shirts today. Thanks for your ideas! Here are a few we liked.
      •How do you make America disappear? {picture of Obama, Pelosi, Reid} abra-ka-dabra!!
      •How many politicians does it take to cause a revolution? Apparently all of them.
      •History repeats! Tea party 1773 / 2009
      •Big Oil + Huge Profits + No Demand = High Gas & Job Loss!? – It’s time! Party like 1773!
      •Before and After (Cartoon) – Before -(Little kid) Can I have a dollar ($) After – Obama / Uncle Sam- I want all you have!
      •Forget AIG! Send D.C. on an exclusive trip? – OFF SHORE!
      •Party with the Sons & Daughters of liberty – Tea Party 2009
      •(Cartoon) Pelosi’s jet flying over a playground – Child: Look it’s the money guzzler!

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      Becca,Here is another good sign;


  57. Kay Says:

    Hello Patriots! I am excited for this event! I will be making a sign, wearing a creative t-shirt (yet to be located) and bringing my tea bags. I am hoping that in our efforts to send a clear and strong message we don’t allow the media to play up the less serious images such as tossing cut-outs of pols into the harbor as suggested here earlier. God knows they will harp on the most ‘foolish’ image they find. This can and will be fun, but I think we need to urge each other to stay on message with smart signs, reasonable conduct and ‘stay above’ the nonsense that will allow them to write us off as a bunch of over the top “mean spirited” freaks. Just my two cents … which is exactly what I have left in my wallet !! =-)

    • Shaunna O'Connell Says:

      Kay is exactly right. Getting out the message in a mature, dignified manner is the way to go. This is a serious issue and we need to promote it as such. I like the t-shirt idea!

    • Gerard Briggs Says:


  58. Delislave Says:

    I will be there, but is it at the state house or City hall plaza?

  59. SandyB Says:

    My husband and I will be there no matter what day this takes place. Thank you to the person setting this up.

  60. wrench Says:

    Delislave – it will start at the State House with spill over onto the common and then later at Columbus Park.

  61. Rick Booker Says:

    I will be there come hell or high water. The time to be seen and heard is NOW!

  62. Brad Marston Says:

    Hello all,

    Quick update. We just confirmed that Todd Feinberg of WRKO will be speaking as well as Michael Johns, former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation policy analyst.

    You can also follow updates at

  63. Brad Marston Says:

    Actually Todd won’t just be speaking. He will be Emceeing the event!

  64. Brad Marston Says:

    Sorry Todd. That’s Feinburg.

  65. ron8000 Says:

    Politicians Beware- Voters on the warpath and coming to your next election.

  66. SailorSue Says:

    I used to work in Boston right next to the State House in the mid-60’s during Vietnam and Civil Rights. I lived in Harvard Sq. during the riots. I’m Conservative and want our Constitution honored. America is envied all over the world because of our Consitution. Don’t let Washington trash it. Send your empty tea bags to Congress. Tea Party on April 15th, on July 4th and even Labor Day. Make our Founding Fathers proud of us.

    Business needs Workers; Workers need jobs; No One Needs Big Government. Just let us alone and America will be great again.

    See you at the State House 4/15/09.

  67. Linda C Says:

    My husband and I will be at the Statehouse 4/!5/09. I’m taking the day off with pleasure. I want my country back.
    The change into Socialism is not a change any one can believe in.

  68. bruce Says:

    Great work – wear your pride in being part of

  69. I look forward to meeting and speaking with like-minded people who will be attending this Tea Party. I will be the guy with a small table set up with hopes that I can attract small business owners to participate in my project I have named, Power In Numbers. For more information, visit

    See you there.

    Peter Tympanick

  70. Sissy Willis Says:

    You’re my cuppa! 🙂

  71. Sissy Willis Says:

    I didn’t find a link to PJTV’s Tea Party Coalition Show:

  72. Mark Says:

    Thought y’all in Boston would like to see the images on our Tar Heel T’s for the Charlotte event!

    Let’s Rally the Nation!

  73. Jared Rhoads Says:

    Just remember, America was founded on the individual’s rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. These are inescapably rooted in rational egoism. A tea party without egoism is like a republic without a chance.

  74. sierra Says:

    $10 tril in xtra debt over the next decade? One Bernie Madoff is plenty, thank you. I’ll be calling in conservative on the 15th.

  75. mylene Says:

    What a great response to our Nation’s Constitutional Rights.. Taxation without Representation! My ? is who do they Represent? Not Me! I also noticed the Heritage Foundation Group will be speaking, please be careful of their agenda or anyone else’s not being true to what is really trying to be expressed in Massachusetts and all across the Country.. I myself am fed up with the status quo.. I don’t know who’s heritage the Heritage Foundation represents, I went on their website, it made me nervous, alot of what we already have, please be very, very careful as their are wolves in sheep’s clothing out there, really working for the same group of people who already are in charge of the country.. I call them the Invisible Man Force or The Real Money Manipulators. I myself want things to be different, which is going back to our Country’s basics. Now, that would really be different, actually honoring our Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Please, be careful, stay focused on no more taxes for City, State, Federal. BE SAFE! Love and Peace,Mylene

    • Nicole Says:

      I agree so much with you – I looked at the agenda of speakers, and it seems to be a lot of right-wing lunatic fringe types. Let’s hope those that are sick of BOTH sides not representing us show up and speak up.

  76. Ed Feneck Says:


    You are confused , a dolt….or both.

  77. Firehawk Says:

    Enough with the name calling. Stay away from the politics. We don’t have time for the arguments and b.s. Stay on target about what we are doing April 15th.

  78. mylene Says:

    I am only concerned that people should be careful of who may be out there in disguise, could be anyone ,anywhere, so as to protect our Country from continual robbery.. of taxation without Representation. I am not intending to name call anyone,, just trying to raise awareness of not to take things at face value, so not to deter our purpose for FREEDOM and LIBERTY for all AMerIcans. I had a dream last night, the Statue of Liberty was crying.. I’m only trying to let people know to be careful. That is all.. Most people are good, but, there are some, who are not.. Please be careful, so we don’t get sidetracked from our purpose for AMerIca. We need to stay focused. I’m sorry if I offended you Firehawk, or anyone else. That is not my intent. To raise awareness to help protect our AMerIca at all levels is my only and true intent. Love and Peace, Mylene

  79. Carolyn Says:

    We don’t need to be fighting each other. I’m sure there are many different opinions on here. We need to remember who the real enemy is. How are things going for the Boston Party? Do we have speakers? Is there music? Are the cops going to be cooperative? I haven’t heard anything lately about the April 15th tea party? The Maine and NH parties are buzzing about their events?

  80. Brad Marston Says:

    Looking at the list of speakers (of which I am one) it is actually Michael Johns and he is a FORMER Heritage Foundation Analyst and speech writer for President Bush 41.

    The current line up as I understand it is…

    Jim Stergios – Pioneer Institute
    Carla Howell – Libertarian…
    Bob Hedlund – Senator, R-MA
    Michael Johns – Conservative Writer
    David Tuerck – Beacon Hill Inst.
    Chip Faulkner – Citizens for Limited Taxation
    Brad Marston,
    Barry Hinkley – Mass Fair Tax
    Sheridan Folger –
    Shawni Littlehale – Smart Girl Politics

    We will also have teams of volunteers with ID badges in the crowd to keep an eye on things and call police or park rangers as needed.

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      Politicians should be excluded from attending any tea party.They are the problem,WE THE PEOPLE are the solution.I don’t want any politician getting credit by showing up to a tea party.It sounds harsh but this is about US not them.Glenn Beck made it a point in only attending a party that had nothing to do with politicians,that’s why he chose the tea party in San Antonio.The politicians are the cause of this and now they are going to be in the spotlight and these parties.No good.

      Also we should talk about the Fairtax at these parties.

      By the way I’m coming from Brimfield,MA to Boston.Is there any place to park my CHEVY SILVERADO TRUCK?And can you give me directions to the Tea Party site.Thanks..And GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  81. mylene Says:

    Very cool, B.Marston!!! Thank you for posting this information, as it lets everyone from this web site know who is speaking and where they are coming from.. Be Safe.. Love and Peace, Mylene

  82. Thomas Says:

    I’m in!

  83. Brad Marston Says:

    I just got off the phone with a producer from Fox News Channel in New York. They will be covering the Boston Tax Day Tea Party LIVE!

  84. Sissy Willis Says:

    Brad: Who’s covering for Fox, do you know? That is way cool, by the way, that they will be there live.

    Capuano’s gotta go!

  85. Gerard Briggs Says:

    Politicians should be excluded from attending any tea party.They are the problem,WE THE PEOPLE are the solution.I don’t want any politician getting credit by showing up to a tea party.It sounds harsh but this is about US not them.Glenn Beck made it a point in only attending a party that had nothing to do with politicians,that’s why he chose the tea party in San Antonio.The politicians are the cause of this and now they are going to be in the spotlight and these parties.No good.

    Also we should talk about the Fairtax at these parties.

    By the way I’m coming from Brimfield,MA to Boston.Is there any place to park my CHEVY SILVERADO TRUCK?And can you give me directions to the Tea Party site.Thanks..And GOD BLESS AMERICA.

    • gopmom Says:

      Hi Gerard, Thanks for your enthusiastic support. We have a lot of great people coming to the protest – and only one pol – we think he’s ok. (Bob Hedlund, R-MA – look him up.) But a lot of other great grassroots and business leaders.

      As for directions, I’d come in on the Pike, get off and park at South Station and walk over to the State House – about a mile. Then you’ll be in a good position to leave town later that day. And you’ll be close to the harbor, where an additional tea party will happen after 4:00. You could always park under the Common, bit it will be tight for your truck. I recommend South Station.

  86. Jay are Says:


    I hope to see you at the Tea party, I am going to be in attendance conducting some interviews for Talk Show America. I live one town over from you, just down Rt 19 (north)(hint hint).

    My wife works at the Country Bank branch there in Brimfield.

    Myself and my PR guy are going by train from Union Sation in Worcester.

  87. Mylene Says:

    This Tea Party is so exciting! I am going to a more local Tea Party in Fall River to help raise awarenss locally of our Country’s dire need of help, to get away from the Bankster’s clutches.. I love America so much, I love Ron Paul, for not giving up in getting his voice and words out for everyone to hear and see.. We need to take back our Country from these Banksters of Central Banks here in USA. I have come across some news, that there are only 5 Nations in the World without a Rothschild’s controlling Central Bank, they are Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.. Most mainstream Medias are owned by the Family Rothschild’s Banks, they control most of the mainstream media information. Please, think about this when you watch TV News..I’m only trying to raise awareness of the great need our Country has for AMerIcans to oust the Central Banks, which will dramaticlly reduce our taxes, after the DEBT is paid off to them.. They are the cause of the Bailouts, how can they be the cure? Be Safe. Love and Peace, Mylene P.S. Party like it is 1773!!!1 Yoo!!!!!!!!!!!Hoo!!!!!!!!!! Write and send Tea to our elected officials on all levels of Government, with a note expressing our concern with our Taxes. I love you, Mylene

  88. Scott Says:

    Any plans for a July 4th Tea Party in Boston? We’re coming to Boston for July 4th and would love to be there if its going to happen in Boston on July 4th.

  89. Dan Says:

    I’ll be there with the whole gang in tow so that makes 5 of us. The kids are having fun making signs so we’ll have plenty to share!

  90. Firehawk Says:

    Whoaaaaa…! I have just gotten the current issue of the Washington Times, conservative newspaper, and in the middle is a full page advertisement. The headlines of it says, ” Mr. President, members of congeress. The American people are talking through TAXPAYER TEA PARTIES. The article is in larger than average new print so it is succint. But it is just SMOKING……..! Oooooohhhhh…..Raaaaahhhhhh…! Semper Fi!

  91. Leigh Says:

    I’m planning on being there with my four homeschooled children!!!!!! I’m also bringing along another homeschooling mom and her children!! We’re trying to get more people to join us. Can’t wait!! Great idea!!!

  92. Leigh Says:

    I’m planning on being there with my four homeschooled children!!!!!! I’m also bringing along a nother homeschooling mom and her children!! We’re trying to get more people to join us. Can’t wait!! Great idea!!!

  93. Gerard Briggs Says:

    Does anyone know the number of people projected to be at the Boston Tea Party??

    • gopmom Says:

      Over 2,000! And that’s just an official count. We truly have no way of knowing. But the Common will hold 100,000. Come on Massachusetts, let’s show America how it’s done.

      Boston Tax Day Tea Party
      Wednesday April 15th
      11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
      The MA State House

      *FoxNews is sending a national correspondent – this is our chance to show America that even Massachusetts is mad as HE** and not going to take it anymore. It began here once – let’s do it again.

      Do you have one of our “official” shirts yet?
      Boston Tee

      We’re not raising funds, just incredibly proud of this design by a local law student. $1 of every shirt goes to her for her education.

  94. DAVE TWEEDY Says:

    We are going to try to fill a bus in Taunton.

    If we arrive in Boston at 4 PM, how can we then participate?

  95. Chris from Peabody Says:

    I’ll be there!

  96. Brad Marston Says:

    To Scott,

    Yes plans are underway for July 4th. We’ll have details up at after the 15th.

    To Dave, I understand that there may be another Tea Party at Christopher Columbus Park at the Harbor. If it comes to pass we intend to march from the State House to the Harbor.

  97. Brad Marston Says:

    Wow…I just noticed that is an OLD picture of me in that avatar.

    • Jay are Says:

      Yeah I thought so too. LOL ! Hey Brad I hope we can meet up at the Tea Party. I’d like to get your thoughts for the Talk Show America Show. As a fellow talk show host and fellow member of Lets Get it Right it would be great to actually meet you in person.

      BTW just how do you get your picture up for your avatar?


    • brad Marston Says:


      Stop by the speakers tent. I should be there. Great to have you at Let’s Get This Right.

      As for the pic I think it is because I have a wordpress account.

  98. douglas walden Says:

    Dear Tea Party Organizers,

    This is my October-2007 note to -then- Comptroller General of the United States David M. Walker. It contains an “Updated” version of the Declaration of Independence that I wrote as part of a college paper in 1985. I hope you enjoy it. Feel Free to past this along to your Friends & Family.

    I have a letter on the “Stimulus” package that I sent to South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford a couple of weeks ago that I’d like to send you also. Keep up the good work.

    Douglas E. Walden
    PO BOX 1592
    Asbury Park, New Jersey 07712-5930

    Sunday, October 7th, 2007
    Doug Walden
    PO Box 1592
    Asbury Park, NJ 07712

    RE: your assessment of future

    Comptroller General of the United States
    Washington DC

    Dear Mr. Walker
    I heard about your reference to America resembling the waning days of the Roman Empire on C.N.B.C. a few weeks ago and then I read an account of your comments in David Panzner’s book “Financial Armageddon”. These prompted me to read your actual speeches and releases on the subject of our country’s precarious (and potentially depressing) future.
    After reading your thoughtful apolitical analysis –which shows your love for and dedication to the United States- I (a lowly citizen and taxpayer) wanted to Thank You for your efforts at being a modern day Paul Revere. I only hope you can get the word out to as many people as possible, so they will make informed wise (not emotional 30 second sound bite motivated) decisions on who to elect to truly lead our country through the challenging difficult times we face.
    In 1985 when the United States Senate was passing an increase in the federal debt limit (to $2 Trillion), I wrote an updated version to The Declaration of Independence to highlight the incredible dysfunction created by: 1) the malignant and obsolete organizational structure of the federal government; 2) the explicit and implicit corruption inducing electioneering system for federal officials and 3) a disinterested citizenry that has yet to experience the discomfort and explosion in taxation and inflation caused by short-sighted policies and inefficient governmental operations. This was originally part of a college paper and was designed to foster thoughtful discussion on the challenges facing the United States in the future.
    Good Luck Sir and take care.
    Respectfully and with Gratitude
    Douglas Walden

    COPYRIGHT © 1985 by Douglas Walden

    Declaration of Independence – Part II
    Monday, September 16th, 1985

    When in the Course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for Individuals – and thus their commercial enterprises, charitable groups and local & state governments – to Dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with their national government and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and Superior Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

    We hold the Truths to be Self-Evident, that All People are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty of the Spirit & Mind, Ownership of One’s Own Productive Efforts, Freedom from Intrusive governments, Economic Freedom of Choice, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among Individuals, deriving their Just Powers from the True & Informed Consent of the Governed, that whenever ANY form of government becomes DESTRUCTIVE to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to Alter or to Abolish it, and to institute New Government, laying its Foundations on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem MOST likely to effect their Individual Liberty, Economic Freedom & Security, Physical Safety and Spiritual Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for Light and Transient causes; and accordingly all Experience has shown, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, While Evils (like government encroachment into the private affairs of
    individuals & businesses and embarrassingly poor government administrative, operational and financial performance) are sufferable, than to Right themselves by Abolishing the forms of government to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of Government Abuses of Power, Usurptions of Individual FREEDOMS, Increasing Financial Extractions, Regulatory Suffocation, and Bureaucratic Ineffectiveness, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under Absolute Economic, Social, and thus Political DESPOTISM, It is their RIGHT, it is their DUTY to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for Their Future Economic, Individual (and thus Societal) Security, and Ecosystem Preservation.

    Such has been the patient Sufferance of the People of the United States; and such is now the necessity which constrains us to Alter Our Former Systems of Government. The History of Congresses & Presidents – 1933 to the Present – is a History of repeated Federal Government Expansions, Excesses and Ineptitudes, all having in Direct Result the establishment of Oppressive Economic Control over the People of the United States. To Prove this, let FACTS be submitted to a candid WORLD.

    MEMBERS of CONGRESS and PRESIDENTS (1933 to the Present):
    -Have, with the best of intentions (and sometimes without), continually tried to Artificially manipulate the Economy of the United States. This manipulation – designed for the purposes of bringing about improved living standards, greater societal cohesiveness, and Domestic Tranquility – Resulted in: an unjustifiably High Level of Taxation, a Schizophrenically Paradoxical and Complicated Tax Code, Astronomically High Levels of Bankruptcy Threatening Government Debt, Increased Risk of Government Debt Monetazation Induced Debasement of the Purchasing Power of Our Dollar (INFLATION), Increasing Levels of Government Intrusion into the Lives of Our Citizens, Greater Amounts of Suspicion, Antagonism and resentment between members of different Socio-Economic Groups, and – MOST IMPORTANTLY – a Stagnation in the Evolution of Our Natural Socio-Economic Interactive Abilities. All this has been done by Federal Officials who, for the most part, have no stated or inferred CONSTITUTIONAL Authority to operate the Federal Government in such a fashion and who lack sufficient understanding of THE ECONOMIC LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE. These Financial/Economic – and resulting individual, family, societal, political and international relations- WEAKNESSES have left Our Union exposed to all the Dangers of Propagandistic Invasions from without, and Economic, Psychological and Societal Convulsions from Within;

    -They have created a situation which has subjected Us to a jurisdiction foreign to: the Ideals, Intentions, and Goals that formed Our DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; fueled the Fires of Our AMERICAN REVOLUTION, and are the very Essence of Our Nation’s Birth;

    -They have diluted the strength & meaning of Our CONSTITUTION by passing thousands of obscure and complicated pieces of legislation; thus effectively abolishing Our Most Valuable LAWS, and altering fundamentally the form of Our Government from the WISE Designs of the Original Architects of the Government of the United States;

    -They have unjustly declared themselves invested with the Power to legislate for Us in All cases whatsoever. Congress with its Inglorious Plethora of committees and sub-committees AND the Executive Branch with its innumerable departments, agencies, commissions, councils, services and offices, work together to actively “HELP” the People of the United States Live THEIR LIVES; the result of this Ungodly collaboration has been an unprecedented proliferation of laws, regulations, and taxes, which have combined to make it Mathematically Certain that even the most Honest Individuals, businesses and local governments amongst Us will break a good number of Federal Dictates;

    -They have created a Multitude of new government agencies, commissions and departments and sent hither swarms of bureaucrats to Harass Us and TAX OUT OUR SUBSTANCE (using direct, indirect, regressive, progressive, income, excise, fuel, toll, property, inflation, marriage, and FUTURE FEDERAL DEBT REPAYMENT TAXES). Our alleged representatives have told Us that We must make do with Less Money because they WANT – without genuinely attempting to adapt the government to less revenue – MORE OF OUR MONEY; We are expected to accept – in a Slave-like Fashion – the unspoken fact that WE THE PEOPLE (the farmers, workers, savers, investors, teachers, entrepreneurs and consumers) of the United States serve one purpose relative to the Federal Government – TO PAY, Unquestioningly and Involuntarily, for the Services Provide to, the Aggravation Inflicted on, and the Economic Instability Forced upon Us by the Federal Government;

    -They have – by using Socio-Economically Divisive Rhetoric, Simplistic and Vague Campaign Slogans and Speeches, Confusing & Equally Meaningless Statistics and by placing party politics and political gamesmanship ABOVE Our Nation’s True Current and Future Needs – incited the development of Factional Divisiveness with Our Society;

    -They have created Oceans of DEBT which threaten to Drown the Happiness of Future Generations of Americans and with this DEBT, they have backed themselves into a Financial and Political corner – from which the only logical long-term escape (given their past Taxing, Financial, & Operational Performance Record) will be Higher Tax Extractions & Inflationary Debt Monetization. This monetization will bring forth a Tidal Wave of Inflation; and this Inflation will result in an Unrestrained and Indiscriminate Financial Genocide of the Value and Wealth contained in Our Paychecks, Bank Accounts, Insurance Policies, Stock and Bonds, Cash, & Government Debt Securities. Paper Money will – as it has in Our PAST – “Pollute the Equity of Our Laws, Turn them into Engines of Oppression, Corrupt the JUSTICE of Our Public Administration, Destroy the Fortunes of the Millions who have Confidence in it, Enervate the Trade, Husbandry, and Manufacturers of Our Country, and Will Go Far to DESTROY the MORALITY of OUR PEOPLE;”

    -And they have – in general – behaved in a manner totally Unworthy of Solemnly Sworn Stewards of a GREAT & FREE ECONOMIC POWER.

    This Documentable pattern of Knowingly & Wantonly Shattering the American Dreams of Individual Economic Self Determination and National Prosperity, for reasons of personal political ambition, financial greed, foolishness, and/or weakness of will power, CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED. And for their parts in this Historically Criminal Act, Members of Congress and Presidents (1933 to the Present) – whether active participants or passive acquiescers – WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN by the People of the United States or by the Posterity of the World.
    In every stage of these increasing Economic Oppressions, we have PETITIONED FOR REDRESS in the most humble terms; Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury. A Federal Government, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is Unfit to Protect and Govern a FREE PEOPLE.

    We, therefore, the Citizens of the United States of America, in General Agreement, Assembled with the Combined Force of each Individual’s Will, Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of Our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Our Own Authority, solemnly Publish and Declare, that the Individual Citizens of this Country – and their Commercial Enterprises, Charitable Groups, and Local & State Governments – are, and of Right Ought to be, FREE and INDEPENDENT from the Current National Government, that they are Absolved from All Allegiance to Financially Insane, Politically Reckless and CONSTITUTIONALLY UNJUST AND INVALID Federal Government, and that all political connection (except to the Department of Defense) between them and the current legislators and executives of the Federal Government of the United States, IS and OUGHT TO BE DISSOLVED; and that the Free and Independent State Governments have Full Power to Reorganize the Federal Government of the UNITED STATES in accordance with the; Precepts contained within Our Original DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, Preamble Objectives & Laws contained within Our Original CONSTITUTION, and Principles of Sound FINANCIAL and OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT; to Establish Financial, Economic, and Environmental Conditions conducive to domestic and international commerce, and to do all the other acts and things which Independent States may of Right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Devine Providence, We mutually pledge to each other Out Time, Abilities, Full Effort, and Our Sacred Honor.

    NOTE: I wrote this on the night of September 16th, 1985 as a way of venting my frustration with the fact that the U.S. Senate was raising the Federal Debt Limit to $2 TRILLION ($2,000,000,000,000.00). At the ripe old age of 22, I thought this event was a disaster (joke was on me haha). I haven’t read this in almost 20 years. Given our current economic and political situation, I think its content holds up pretty well. I hope you enjoyed it.
    By the way, the Federal Debt Limit is being RAISED to $9.815 TRILLION ($9,815,000,000,000.00); That’s $32,716.66 for Each American, all 300,000,000 of us. Plus we as a Nation have a ZERO PERCENT SAVINGS RATE and We (America) are borrowing 800 BILLION a Year ($800,000,000,000.00 Per Year or $2,191,780,821.90 per day or $91,324,200.90 Per Hour or $1,522,070.02 Per Minute) From CHINA, O.P.E.C. Countries, RUSSIA, and everyone else we can hit up to finance our spending binge. PLUS, the U.S. Government has “OFF-BUDGET / IMPLICIT LIABILITIES of $38.8 TRILLION ($38,800,000,000,000.00) see GAO-08-241CG – that’s another $129,333.33 Per Person. NOW, Add that to your credit cards, car loans and mortgages and do you really think we’ll ever see a Social Security check that’s actually worth anything?

    This document is (was) designed to be a late-20th Century reflection of the precepts contained within the original UNITED STATES DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. It is intended to provoke constructive thought among members of the general population, the academic community, the business community, the U.S. Congress, the Judicial Branch and the Executive Branch. It IS NOT meant to be considered a policy statement of ANY individual or group(s) of individuals.
    Douglas Walden Friday, October 5th, 2007

  99. Annie Says:

    I’m 16 and I still have to ask my dad but if i can, I’ll try to catch the train (for 1 1/2 dreadful hours after school) with him. I went to a McCain rally in October and it was GREAT! I love this stuff!

    • gopmom Says:

      Annie, I love your enthusiasm. We’ll be at the State House until 4pm and then on to CC Park – 1 block from Fanueil Hall. Please bring a friend with you – safety is key.

    • gopmom Says:

      Or come with your dad – duh. I re-read your comment. Sorry, it’s early.

  100. Gerard Briggs Says:


  101. Gerard Briggs Says:

    Neither have I…The republican party is DOA…Everyone ,and I assume the majority going to the rally,has conservative views.I think the time has come for a movement to start a 3rd party a true Conservative Party open to Dems and Reps who share true conservative views.Social conservatives need not apply..

    What say you people?

    • gopmom Says:

      I think throwing the baby out with the bathwater is unadvisable. I believe that the leadership of the Republican party is out of touch but my plan after the Tea Party is to revive the Town Committee in my town – currently dormant. I believe rebuilding the GOP is doable. We are clamoring for fiscal conservative leadership. I am a social conservative as well, but when it comes to politics/government, there is no reason for the government to be in our homes. Unfortunately, the Left has decided to pervert the message of social conservatives. Yes, there are some out there who feel the government should dictate morals and mores to the populace but they are fewer than the Left would have you believe. My personal problem with government interference in our private lives is the Left’s insistence to legislate by judicial mandate. If you let the people vote, they can decided what is right for them – Prop 8 in CA is an example. Yes, eventually, they will probably get the issue on the CA ballot again and will probably pass it and if it is the will of the people, fine. This is why the Feds should stay out of social/moral legislation – states should have the right to self-determine via the ballot.

      Now, in my hat as an organizer of this event, I can tell you I’m working with and meeting people with very distinct differences of opinion regarding social issues. And it is not an issue. We are focused on our impending fiscal disaster/economic collapse/ debilitating debt. That is what this event is about. If we spend the day bickering about differences in social policy, the Left will seize on this and pervert our message. They will be there, taking photos, doing interviews and probably sending in people to instigate disagreement. We have one overall message here – stop the insane economic policies or we will find new representatives.

      On the 16th, get out there and find the candidate of your choice and get hem elected!

  102. Mylene Says:

    Douglas Walden;
    That was a grreat paper, I think it should be used today , though, I’m not sure if the Comptroller is the right person to send it to. I do know there are people who have requested a Grand National Jury to put our Elected Officials on trial for tyranny and abuse of Powers Please help in making that happen. I try to spread the word, whenever I can.. I am thinking of going to Lexington GReen to see reenactments of our orginal Patriots, maybe I could learn how to become a better Patriot myself.. My desire to help America gets stronger every day with each new injustice I discover against us all and individually. Please. reconsider submitting that paper again.. Be Safe, Love and Peace, Mylene

  103. Mrs.G. Says:

    I heard on the radio that a tax day tea party is planned (can’t confirm) to be held at the Air Port Rotary in HYANNIS. I’ll have to go to that one. All your work has been great. We the people need to stay in touch with each other and continue to find and facilitate venues to express to our elected officials that we expect every last one of them to uphold the constitution and laws of the United States of America. How stupid do they think we are? I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing twisted talk and dumb bait and switch communications out of our elected officials. A large number of them are honest and hardworking, however they are steamrolled by the way things work. They must be told to read the bills (out loud on TV is preferable) before they vote, etc.. Otherwise they will be replaced. This is my hope. God bless America.

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      Read the bills out loud to the public…I like that idea..maybe then the bills will not be full of pork and be 1000’s of pages..

  104. Renee Says:

    I’ll try to get there!

  105. Brad Marston Says:

    Anyone who wants to “go down in history” as attending a 2009 Tea Party can go to (Official Historical Tea Party Record) and your participation will be recorded by the same people who run the Boston Tea Party Museum and maintain the official historical record of the original Boston Tea Party.

    GOPMom sent out a great Press Release to EVERY media outlet in Massachusetts. Editorial people talk to news people (I have worked as Communications Director on a few campaigns). Please support GOPMom ( in her efforts by writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
    The e-mail address is probably listed in your paper or you can go to and send the letter via the internet.

    IMPORTANT! State your issue(s) and include the phrase “That is why I will be at the Massachusetts State House at 11 am on Wednesday, April 15th.

    If they publish your letter it will help us publicize this event.

  106. Gerard Briggs Says:

    gopmom–Thanks for the reply.I guess what I was trying to say was being conservative means not only dealing with social issues,but also issues regarding foreign policy.We have to many so called conservatives who are conservative on some issues and liberal on others.EX: John Mccain.
    Mr. Mccain backed off on attacking Obama on his American hating pals.That saying in the beer commercial fits”They are who we thought the were,but we let them off the hook” describes the GOP in 2008.
    We need a Conservative candidate who won’t pull punches and will be 100% conservative in all issues.EX: Alan Keyes

    Some of these issues that need to be addressed and my beliefs are:

    Making abortion illegal
    Making pornography illegal
    Closing are borders 100% until we have the illegal immigrant issue resolved.
    Really declaring a War on Drugs by dealing with it before it gets to America
    Like you said,minimizing big government.! way is to implement the Fairtax Bill-abolishing the IRS.

    All these issue’s have been talked about but not acted on.The GOP as it is now doesn’t have the guts to address these issues.They’ve had their shot,now it’s time for a true Conservative movement.

    • gopmom Says:

      I believe the key is putting up candidates that are conservatives and Republicans No more RINOS, no more Liberal Republicans.

      The conservative message has never changed – only the will (or lack thereof) of our leaders.

  107. Kevin B Says:

    This massive expansion of government is the most troubling sequence of events in my lifetime. I was less concerned for America on the evening of september 11th 2001. Mr Obama is waging a war on success and it’s already affecting individual motivation. Meanwhile many folks who object to this expansion are also consumed with issues like abortion. Do you want to help and not hurt this effort? If so, stop railing about abortion and start fighting for Immigration reform and enforcement of existing laws. FAR MORE INDEPENDENTS ARE INTERESTED IN IMMIGRATION REFORM. Those Independents will help propel this effort. Once in power, THEN abortion can be looked at. Learn from Obama folks… Everything is a euphamism for the truth but nothing is plainly true. We also must manipulate to win in this day and age. STAY FOCUSD ON SMALLER GOVERNMENT AND IMMIGRATION. Those issues are winners and will help us develop traction with centerist folks instead of merely cementing right wing support. See you at the rally!

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      Kevin,the rights of AMERICAN(unborn) citizens come before the immigration issue.Conservatives can walk and chew gum at the same time.We can address both issues at the same time.If your not willing to address the abortion issue than your not a true Conservative.That was my point in an earlier post.It’s time to weed out the half n half’s and really find out how many true conservatives we have in this country.If we don’t have enough to do the job we shouldn’t abandon our principles.We should join Chuck Norris and the sucession of Texas….

  108. dreardon Says:

    Thank you all for organizing such a great and much needed event. I will be attending the Second Boston Tea Party with my wife, my 7 year-old son and 3 year-old daughter. No exuses from anyone…you need to take work off and pull your kids out of school to show your support for our great country. If you don’t it is quite possible that years down the road while driving in your government made sh#@ box you will be wishing you sacrificed one day of work to make a statement. ‘

    See you all on the 15th!!!!!!!!!!

  109. Sharon Cross Says:

    I have been waiting for this for decades. I am trying to get the time off from work. Very happy that it’s finally here!
    Sharon Cross

    • gopmom Says:

      There is an event at Christopher Columbus Park beginning at 4:30, if that is more convenient. And Lowell’s Tea Party runs 4-8 PM. There are so many more popping up just since Thursday you might run into one while out to lunch! Keep your sign in your pocket,

  110. Lynn Mazzarella Says:

    WHY does someone say “Social conservatives need not apply?” Maybe my husband and I will stay home. It’s hard to get in to Boston in a wheelchair, very hard.
    Respect for family values, including sexuality within marriage, is an important part of the conservative movement. Our children are our future. We need to give them hope, not vague hope in a socialist society, but hope in God, hope in the ability to live to their full potential.
    As far as what we can do, what have we all done in the past? I am ashamed I did not do more to help those who ran against Kennedy and Kerry, although I did donate to their campaigns. Maybe this rally will embolden some people to run for office in Massachusetts, and maybe people will help them win!

    • gopmom Says:

      Lynn, I’ll be there. And so will a lot of my pro-family and pro-life friends. Not to demonstrate for their preferred cause but to protest the government’s abuse of our tax dollars paying for programs to which we are morally as well as fiscally opposed. You’ll be surrounded by friends.

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      Lynn,I’m sorry if I offended you by my social conservatives need not reply remark.I guess I didn’t express my point of view clearly.I agree with everything you stated in your post.
      What I meant to say was that if your only a social conservative you need not apply.We need conservatives who are 100% conservative in their beliefs.
      The fact that John Mccain was not was his downfall and enabled the monstrasity we have in the White House now.
      An earlier post stated that we should hedge on a few issues and once we’re in power work on the abortion issue.If we do that aren’t we the same as this administration.

      I say ‘say what you mean” and “mean what you say”.Principles and integrity comes first.If that’s not enough to win then we have our work cut out for us.

      And I agree with gopmom’s reply to you.
      See you all at the Paatty!

  111. Lisa Says:

    Ask Jay Severen and Michael Graham to speak. I am sure they will

  112. brad Marston Says:

    Severen and Graham are holding an event later in the day.

    Latest sign idea…

    1776 The British Empire.

    2010 The US Empire.

  113. Gerard Briggs Says:

    This is 1 of the neatest(in appearance) and easiest blogs to navigate.Who put this together?

  114. Firehawk Says:

    Once again I see people out here declaring their personal political views and putting people down. Stick with the thrust of the Tea Parties. Govt. out of control spending, taxation without representation or deliberation. This is a “people” vs the government thing. Not a party vs a party thing, or conservatives vs liberals thing.

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      Hey pal,did you see my response I wrote to Lynn.And in case you haven’t heard this is a democratic republic and I’m exercising my free speech right.I don’t need you to tell me what I should say.Got it!
      That’s exactly the attitude of our government we are trying to stop.And yes this IS a people versus government thing and since the liberals are in government it is a conservative vs liberal thing.

  115. Woodman Says:

    I’ll be in town from Alabama! Looking forward to attending in Boston since I won’t be able to back home. Let’s make some noise!

  116. Firehawk Says:

    Well, Pal. It is a constitutional republic, pal. Democracy was never mentioned in the Constitution nor in the Declaration of Independence. I am a conservative constitutionalist. I think you need an attitude adjustment. I will be happy to give it to you, pal. You’ ll find me at the Worcester Tea Party. I will be wearing the O. D. green uniform with the Marine Corps. campaign hat on. Please visit me, pal.

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      What you need is an adjustment in yours meds the one’s your taking are not working.

    • Kids, calm down. If we fight with each other, the terrorists will have won.

      This is a big-tent issue. Regardless of your stance on other issues, if you support limited government, fiscal responsibility, and an end to corruption in DC, you’re supporting this cause.

      So no kicking anyone out of the tent, nor making conditions (aside from the above) for being in it. The values that we support are conducive to a free and open society in which those other issues can be debated. However, so long as the Obama administration is giving money to ACORN to promote liberal agendas and politicians, and so long as he’s going to try to raise a civilian army that would suppress free speech rights, it doesn’t matter what we believe; we’re going to have the government that is being forced upon us.

      What is important is that we maintain our right to dissent from an administration that stifles it, enough political activism to promote our own ideals, and a sufficiently sane fiscal policy so that our country doesn’t go to hell in a handbasket. No one is asking that this be your biggest issue – just that you know that limited government preserves our basic freedoms and our right to dissent.

  117. Neil Says:


    I’m from California, currently in Leominster, MA and don’t have a car (it’s a long story). Leominster is near the 2 into Boston and also near the 190 to Worchester. Anyone going to either event, near or going by Leominster? I can pitch in for gas. I’d love to be a part.

    Email me with any info (a better place to post this message) to:

    Thanks, and stay committed,

  118. Sparky1776 Says:

    Need CLEAR information about the afternoon Boston Tea Party.

    The information above is for 11AM thru 4PM (@ the State House) but I’ve read the rally is moving, or a second rally, is scheduled at the Christopher Columbus Park by the Aquarium at either 3PM, or 4PM, I’ve have even read 4:30PM.

    What time is it?


    Is it going on thru 7PM.

    Need to know because folks getting out of work can attend this one!

    • gopmom Says:

      Hey Sparky 1776, We do not have much info about the later event because WTKK is handling it exclusively. The word is they will be at Christopher Columbus Park from 4:30 (or 4:00) to 6:30. But they have not responded to any of our requests for info so we can’t give specifics. If we hear anything, we will post it.

      It seems that many of our participants will “march” over to CC Park to join them but this is not an official part of the State House party.

      Thanks for the support and make your way to CC Park after work to keep the party going.

  119. Sparky1776 Says:

    Hi Gopmom,

    I’m trying to nail down the afternoon rally, I see what you mean about no info from WTTK, nothing on their site.

    For the morning rally, it ends @ 4PM @ the State House? Or does it go to 7PM?

    • gopmom Says:

      The speakers will finish at 3:30 and I’m heading home by 4:00. But I would think many might stick around. Or they will walk from the Common to CC park at around 4:00.

      Come back later today for location update.

  120. Lady Liberty Says:

    This is great! I am so excited to see this kind of enthusiasm here in Boston – I feared there were no rational minds left in this city. Will be there with as many young, constitutionalists in-tow as possible.

  121. John Says:

    DRESS WARM!!! While the temps will be in the 50s there will be a brisk east wind at 15+MPH. For those who don’t know Boston in Spring, you will never be as cold as Boston with an east wind. So dress warm and pass the word to your friends to dress warm.

  122. gopmom Says:

    Good advice, John. I was just getting out the long underwear!

  123. dajjmum Says:

    I’m somewhat new to MA and have only been to Boston a couple times and someone else was driving. My son and I plan to attend but need some clear directions on how to get there. I think it probably would be better to not drive and instead take a train/bus, but from where and how? We live near Route 1 in Peabody. Help! and thanks!

    • Michelle Y Says:

      Not sure about how to get from Peabody. Once you’re in Boston, take the Red Line to Park Street. [Should be Inbound, whichever way you go.] When you exit Park Street Station, you’re on the Boston Common. Walk towards the Brewer fountain, from which you can see the State House with the big dome.

    • dajjmum Says:

      Michelle, thank you for the help. See you guys tomorrow!

  124. Truthurts Says:

    Glen Beck is an impostor who is being paid to try to co-opt the real patriot movement. The elite’s know that people are getting real pissed off and are looking for answers. So, they serve up the Faux patriot, Glen Beck.

    Beck is such a blatant phony he’s laughable. I still can’t believe his pathetic performance, complete with fake tears. I have a bridge for sale to anybody that could believe that Beck was serious.

    The real patriot movement will be there on the 15th as we have been for the last two years. Hopefully, people will be open to hear the real truth, not the operative Beck’s “gatekeeper” propaganda.

    “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
    –William Colby, former CIA Director, quoted by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy

    “There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don’t need to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are [Central Intelligence] Agency people at the management level.”
    –William B. Bader, former CIA intelligence officer, briefing members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, The CIA and the Media, by Carl Bernstein

    “The Agency’s relationship with [The New York] Times was by far its most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials. [It was] general Times policy … to provide assistance to the CIA whenever possible.”
    –The CIA and the Media, by Carl Bernstein

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      Who do you think got the momentum behind these tea parties.Glenn Beck

  125. Mary Gorham Says:


    Please change your libertarian/conservative line in your intro. It’s not about that any more. It’s about ALL of us being AMERICANS. I’m an independant and I WILL be there. There WILL BE democrats there too. We need EVERYONE who is TEA’d off to be there. Don’t exclude anyone!!!

    • Mary,

      Corie has had nothing to do with this website. While your point is well taken, it would be better taken if addressed to myself. There are about a half-dozen of us working to put this event together, and it’s a slap in the face to all of us to assume that Ms. Whalen is in charge of all of it.

  126. my2allamericanboys Says:

    I am planning to attend the event as soon as I get out of work at 430pm…does anyone know the plan for events after 5pm?….i thought it was an event that went until 8pm but some of the posts indicate other times.

  127. SailorSue Says:

    Calm down People. Some of you are talking like a bunch of hooligans. Stick to the primary goals – national security, minimal govt. intrusion, less spending, less taxes. Americans will never totally agree on social issues – let’s focus on fiscal responsibility first. Then tackle the rest of it in each state.

  128. David Says:

    great idea. just found out today about this and will be spreading the word. expecting a good turn out. the mainsteam media is treating this like sort of a joke. lets show them that its not.

  129. Eric Says:

    This is all well and good. But our representatives don’t give a damn about our little tea party. They would only care if they felt their lives were in danger. I think it is time to bring back an old tradition Tar and Feather. They will not be voted out of office. There are too many people in this state and country who are either ignorant or have their hands out. They need to be made to quit. They need to be made to fear for their lives.

    • gopmom Says:

      You know, Eric. Wanting to tar and feather ’em all is all well and good and makes for great rhetoric. But I believe most of us here are attending tea parties so that we can meet other like minded people and get their ideas or how to best move forward. I will admit to feeling helpless to make changes since moving to MA but now, with the hundreds of people I’ve had a chance to communicate with while planning the tea party, I’m convinced we have a real opportunity here to turn over the legislature in 2010 – if we could just do away with the rhetoric and focus our efforts on rebuilding or establishing Town Committees recruiting conservative candidates and running them in elections. I can 20o people I’d rather have representing me in government ahead of Carolyn Dykema and James McGovern – people I know and trust. I’m hoping you can do the same – it might be you.

      Think of the Tea Party as the pep rally before the game.

    • Eric Says:

      Don’t get me wrong I hope that this movement gets some steam behind it. Because if we do not get a change in government in the 2010 elections. We will see the middle class paying 50% of there income in taxes and we will see a top rate of 80%. And I am affraid that things will get violent when that happens.

  130. gopmom Says:

    And leave the threats to the Liberals and their ACORN thugs.

    • Gerard Briggs Says:

      Me personally, am going to the Tea Party for a free cup of tea…lol
      Gopman,your idea of starting from the bottom(Town Government) is well intended but this country can’t wait that long.We’ll be under sharia law by then.This movement has to be focused in the direction of the DC Beltway.Executive,judicial,and legislative branches.
      These branches have more control over our lives then the Town Governments.

  131. gopmom Says:

    Eric, I think we all need to decide where our “line in the sand” is – mine is if the gov tries to make my daughter part of Obama’s corps. I think if we end up with bread lines, or in our case, clinic lines, we’ll see some real movement. But i”d rather see everyone get involved, get brave, right now.

    I think we have a real opportunity. I hope you’re coming.

  132. Eric Says:

    I will be there. We will see what good it does.

  133. Brad Marston Says:

    Eric et al,

    As I am tasked with goving the “What’s next? Where do we go from here? speech, I hope to have some clear ideas for all on Wednesday.

    See you there!


  134. George Matelli Says:

    *I’ll be there! We must stop this drift toward socialism and preserve our capitalist system that has made this country the most powerful and most affluent country in the history of the world.

  135. Joe Pie Says:

    I’ll be there with my “American” Bulldog! Wouldn’t miss this for anything…..!

  136. NEOBoston Says:

    I just heard on WTKK that Mike Graham will be at Columbus Park, next to the Marriot Long Warf at 4:00pm thru 5:30pm

    4/14/09 at 10:00am

  137. Wmaster Says:

    What is the best route to take via T?

  138. Ronnie Says:

    I will be in Boston tomorrow and will cover the event for “Amerian image press” I hope to have the honor to meet Mr Fienburg and other speakers. I know Carla Howell from her days running for office years ago. God bless!! Let’s get this off the ground!!

    • gopmom Says:

      Glad to hear it. You’ll be in the company of Fox, CNN, ABC and FoxRadio.

      Come one Boston, let’s show the entire nation the “revolution” starts here.

      Noon. The Common.

  139. calia Says:

    What is the address for the event in Boston?

  140. calia Says:

    Also, any parking information is greatly appreciated!

    • Sparky1776 Says:

      Hi Calia,

      Where are you coming from, north or south of the city?

  141. Barak Says:

    Hi there!

    A different kind of Barak will attend 🙂 My name sounds the same but spelled differently! I’m in – enough is enough…

    WE are not alone!!!

    • gopmom Says:

      Oh, you should wear a shirt that says “Hi, my name is Barak.” and on the back write “Yes, he’s MY evil twin”.

      Or something clever – you’ll think of it. But please come to the HQ tent – I want my family’s picture taken with you for our Christmas card!

  142. Underdog Says:

    I will land in BOS around 530 pm, staying at the Park Plaza. Can I still make it? Sounds like the venues are changing. Where should I go?

    • Sparky1776 Says:

      The later rally starts @ 4:30PM at Christopher Columbus Park near the Aquarium. I think it last till 7PM.

  143. Bitter Clinger Says:

    I can’t wait, I am sick and tired of DEVAL

  144. Pete Says:

    How far is the Christopher Columbus Park from the State House? Michael Graham is going to be there in full period costume and throw some (faux) tea boxes in the harbor starting @ 4pm to 5:30 or 6pm.

    • gopmom Says:

      It is 8/10ths of a mile. Many protesters from the Common are marching to CC Park.

    • Pete Says:

      Awesome! I have a couple cool signs and a couple American flags that I can pass out to someone that has nothing. Trying to get some friends to go, but it’s difficult to do on a Wed. I really wish we could organize something on a day when the people who pay these outrageous taxes don’t have to work!!!

  145. calia Says:

    Thanks, sparky… (Sparky1776)

    I am (from DC) staying in Plainville. I’d love to join in the Boston Tea Party, but need more information… event places and times, as well as parking info.

    Yes, enough is enough!

    • Sparky1776 Says:

      Hi Calia, your best bet is to get on the Commuter Rail to South Station, then tranfer to the Red Line (inbound) to Park Street, that will put you right on the Common.

      If you are going to the afternoon session, I think the best plan would be to hit South Station then walk to CC park, if you need diections just ask for the Aquarium, once there it is another block north.

      To find & pay for parking, plus traffic is not advised. If you do there is some parking under the Common but my guess is it fills up early.

    • calia Says:

      Thank you!

  146. calia Says:

    The plan for late-day events is great… to allow people who are working (those who still have jobs!) to participate.

  147. Andre'a Says:

    I’ll be there!

  148. Nathan Cogniteau Says:

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

    If you can be there, please be there. There are many who cannot make it in person; but if you can, please, please do, for the rest of us.

  149. westguru Says:

    Will things still be going on at the State House rally after, say, 2:30pm? That’s as early as I can get there (and I have a prior commitment this evening, so the CC rally is out) and I REALLY want to take part in this!

    I wish I could take the day off, but I have 30+ eager students to teach about an hour away from Boston – sometimes it sucks to be a responsible adult!

  150. calia Says:

    If you can’t be there, we’ll all miss you, but… you can still participate in Tax Day.

    Call your representatives at 202-224-3121 and tell them that you’ve had enough. If you need some prodding… read this page:

    If you can’t be on the Common today, pick up the phone. Be sure that your voice is heard, that’s what matters.

    Remember… Your representatives work for you, not the other way around. If they want to keep that job, they’d better start listening!

  151. Cindy Says:

    I am looking forward to this big day!. A large number of Americans will be voicing that we will no longer be silenced or will no longer sit back and let this wonderful country go down a path of breaking down the foundation that has made it so great. There has been outstanding commitment and work done by so many for this Boston event. My hat is off to you remarkable citizens and we look forward to meeting many of you today.

    “We The People” will be heard!

  152. Frank Says:

    I plan on attending.

  153. DBrack Says:

    I too am tired of paying out so much of my hard earned money to so many who are not even trying to contribute to society. I am more than willing to provide emergency assistance in the event of sudden loss or tragedy but I resent being mandated to provide financial assistance to illegal immigrants and other deadbeats to abuse our system and act as if it is an entitlement owed to them.

  154. Peter Says:

    I just got back to my office after walking over to the Tea Party during lunch. It was a very nice event. About 1,000 or so people wearing costumes and holding up signs. Only two news stations mingling through the crowd (ABC and Fox News). The speakers were very hard to hear from any distance away though so most of the words are lost on the crowd.

    All in all a good event. Much less shrieking than at the various anti-war protests I’ve seen in the same location.

  155. Peter Forrester Says:

    Why was Kris Mineau, an avowed enemy of personal freedom and responsibility, included as a speaker? The guy is “sin tax” personified.

    • gopmom Says:

      Kris Mineau was included within a large variety speakers. I think it would be difficult to say everyone in attendance agrees completely with either the statements of every speaker or the mission of each of their organizations. As organizers, we felt that the overall message the big government and high taxes/spending/debt are harmful to all American families. That was the message Kris delivered yesterday.

      INO, if we want to truly make a real change in the direction our government id leading us, we need to focus on the issues that unite us, not divide us. Fiscal sanity and responsibility by government (and citizens) is the issue that unites us. I hope you feel the same.

      MFI is just another org represented yesterday as a group all of you can choose to support or not. I think we offered a lot of possibilities. Try to see it that way.

  156. Firehawk Says:

    You really need to get rid of some the old comments. We did a cell phone count of people in Worcester by calling a certain number. That gave us an estimate of at least 1,500 showing. That , I think, is terrific for Worcester. Let’s not waste the momentum. Next time may be the time to get a little more “forceful”, if you wish. Would like to see many at Lexington Green on Sunday the 19th, from 12-3. Most excellent speakers, plus the Oathtakers.

  157. Sparky1776 Says:

    WOW! We did good Boston!

    • calia Says:

      Proud be a part of it all… congratulations to the organizers!

      Now, what happens tomorrow? Where do we go from here?

    • gopmom Says:

      Keep Independence Day open!

      And who’s interested in meeting monthly on the steps of the State House – on a Saturday or Sunday – to continue to “remind” our representatives we are watching? I know how to get the permits and would be happy to put together a schedule if someone wants to take responsibility for each month. Ongoing protests appear to have been quite effective for the Left, maybe we should take a hint?

    • Sparky1776 Says:

      Count me in! I like the idea of a weekend day.

  158. Sparky1776 Says:

    A Freedom Trail (in Boston) March would be awesome!

    Would be nice to see folks from all over NE meet up to walk it with family & friends, maybe raise some money.

  159. Sparky1776 Says:

    Photos from around our beautiful country:

    Border States Of America
    • gopmom Says:

      Thank you so much for the photos – too busy to take any myself. Send in your photos of Boston please!

  160. Hank Szubzda Says:

    I was there. I regret that I could hardly understand a word the speakers said. Keep up the fight!

  161. Patrick Says:

    I hope to have some footage edited by next week. I took three hours of video and got all the speakers up to the gentleman from the Ayn Rand Institute, but after him, I had run out of tape so I had to pack it up.
    Great event!
    Good thing those billionaire funders the MSM keeps talking about supplied such a good sound system huh? lol.

    • gopmom Says:

      Hilarious! (sarc off)

      The irony is that three separate sound companies have contacted me today offering free and/or discounted service at future events. July 4th is going to be LOUD!

  162. Sparky1776 Says:

    I would love to see NBC’s Today Show “swarmed” every Friday or whenever they have their summer concerts. Teach them!

  163. Mark Says:


  164. Sparky1776 Says:

    12 minute slideshow from Boston’s 2009 Tea Party:

  165. Sparky1776 Says:

    Idea to raise funds:

    How about a “Pin the Teabag on Barney” Game next time around to raise funds, $5.00 a whack?

    Equally effective with Dodd, Pelosi, Reid, etc imho.

  166. Brad Marston Says:

    Where do we go from here:

    1) As GOPMom says monthly protests on the State House Steps. She can get the permits but someone needs to take responsibility for each months rally.

    2) Take a look at your e-mail address book. Find 10, 20, 100 people and put them into a folder/group contact. When you see a link, blog post, news item or most importantly something about a Tea Party, send them an e-mail and ask them to send it out to their friends.

    3) Find out when your next City/Town Council Meeting is scheduled and attend.

    4) Run for Office or find someone who is and volunteer.

    5) Sign up to attend our Independence Day Tea Party at <a href=”″

  167. Brad Marston Says:

    From Today’s Boston Globe… and my response below.

    I WAS bemused by the story “Thousands in US protest tax day with ‘tea parties.’ ” Where have these people been for the past five or six years? The only ones protesting while George W. Bush and the Republicans were throwing trillions of dollars into the money pit of Iraq were liberals. And Republicans called them America-hating traitors.
    Now that our own economy and infrastructure are in shambles, suddenly these people want to cut off spending and stop paying taxes? Many demanded that taxpayer dollars be used to fix the Iraqi economy, build schools for Iraqis, pay for security and social services for Iraqis. But when it’s time to fix our own house it’s too much spending? What kind of backward thinking is this?
    Meanwhile, there are signs the stimulus and recovery efforts of the Obama administration are already working to right the economy. These protesters are on the wrong side of history.
    Branden Wolner
    Letter to the Editor,
    As one of the speakers at the Boston Tax Day Tea Party I actually answered Mr. Wolner’s question (Letter to the Editor, April 19, 2009 pg. C8) “[w]here have all these people been for the past five or six tears?” in the course of my remarks.

    “It is a political myth that the 2006 elections reflected a groundswell of support for Democratic Party policies and liberal philosophy. In fact, Democratic candidates received 500,000 fewer votes than in 2002. The problem was that eleven million conservatives and moderates stayed home, upset with the corruption scandals and deficit spending under President Bush and a Republican controlled Congress. This “protest” allowed Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to take control of Congress. In 2008, nearly four million conservatives and moderates stayed home which allowed the Democrats an almost filibuster proof majority in the Senate and rendered House Republicans irrelevant.

    It took President Bush eight years to raise the Federal Debt by $3.5 Trillion. President Obama has nearly matched that in barely eight weeks. Add to that the open assault on the people’s 1st Amendment Rights under the Fairness Doctrine, 2nd Amendment Rights under President Obama’s proposed Executive Orders, our 10th Amendment Rights given the massive growth of the Federal Governments size, scope and interference with the economy and the threat to our 13th Amendment right to be free of mandatory government servitude except in a military draft in a time of declared war, We The People have decided that our “stay at home” strategy has served neither us nor our Nation well.”

    Where have we been? We have been here, in our homes. Now we are peacefully taking to the streets.

    Brad Marston
    Boston, Massachusetts

    Managing Director,
    The Foundation For Conservative Solutions, LLC

  168. Jay are Says:

    With regards to the statement of Branden in his letter: “Meanwhile, there are signs the stimulus and recovery efforts of the Obama administration are already working to right the economy.”

    It is far too early for the stimulus money that has been authorized to take effect, and even the Obama administartion admits this.

    There were signs of the economy improving before the stimulus package even became law. That is one of the reasons why I feel they rushed it through without reading it, because they feared that it would not be supported if signs of the economy improving without the stimulus bill appeared.

    I wrote a piece on my blog about two months ago pointing this out.

    Although I didn’t always agree with the Bush administrations spending policies, one must remember that we were fighting a “war on terror” and therefore we would be spending more money, there were also some major disasters that hit the US during this time as well, Katrina being one of them.

    Also, many conservatives spoke out against increased goverment spending under President Bush.


  169. stella Says:

    This is great! I was working on the 15th and could not attend will there be another one in the area.

  170. Brad Marston Says:

    Stella et al,

    Still working out the details but yes, there will be another Tea Party in Boston on July 4th.

  171. OHH Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource! PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉 See you! ^_^

  172. mcreams911 Says:

    Need to have one in Salem on the 4th, huge crowds up there. Not to mention it’s a great time, with a very patriotic atmosphere!

  173. Brad Marston Says:


    I won’t be able to make a Salem event as we are full steam ahead with the Boston Independence Day Tea Party. We will be on the Common from noon to 2 and at Christopher Columbus Park from 3-7 pm.

    Details at http://www,


  174. Ronnie Says:

    I hope to be there to cover the event. There is also a “Stop the Fed” plan. I think I heard that on RTR radio.

  175. Rickover Says:

    You bunch of silly teabaggers.

  176. Sam Hill Says:

    For to long some offices have had a strangle hold on the government at the city, state and federal levels. Term limits
    will remove that strangle hold. Term limits are especially important in the judicial component of the government. Many
    Judges are using their 20-30 years tenure to promote their agendas. Enforced by the power of the bench. They are so entrenched that the will of the people is ignored. “Term limits” is what is needed.

  177. Pete Says:

    When is the next one?

    • gopmom Says:

      August 22, 2009
      Your Congressional Representative’s office

      This is a nationwide event but very loosely organized at this point. I highly recommend writing to the editor of your local paper about this and why you would want to attend – more publicity.

      Visit or .org (I can’t remember) for addresses and to sign up for your state. And call the town where the office is to see if you need permission – be vague at first so you don’t get turned down.

  178. Mark Says:

    I hope everyone will read this!! I just got off the phone with the Exspress in Sacramento. It seems that the thugs are showing up as both ACORN & SEIU is teaming to disrupt the Tea Party Express. Let’s show our anger and patriotism by joining the Express and stand against the paid thugs of Obama.

  179. gopmom Says:

    New Tea Party scheduled –

    Saturday, October 17, 2009 12:00 – 2:00 PM

    Parkman Bandstand, The Boston Common

    We don’t like Commonwealth Care and we certainly do not wan to see it expended across the entire nation. If you agree, join us.

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